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What is Sliding Window?
Sliding Window
Sliding window is a technique used to solve problems that we need to find or check a subarray that satisfies a given condition.Once the condition is met, we return the indexes, a boolean value, or some other result.
I really like this (Contains Duplicate II🔗) and the idea for solving it:
The main idea here is to use a hashmap in this way:
- The “Key” of the hashmap is our value/element in the array
- The “Value” of the “Key” of the hashmap is the index that the element appears
With this two points in mind, we have everything we need to solve it:
We iterate through the array of integers and check:
- If the current element already exists in our hashmap, we satisfy the condition
nums[i] == nums[j]
, because if already exists we have two occurrences of the same number - If the difference between their indexes (j - i ) is less or equal to K, we return true
I used Go for this solution:
func containsNearbyDuplicate(nums []int, k int) bool {
// Create the hashmap
h := make(map[int]int)
// Iterate over the array
for index,element := range nums {
// Get the previous Index in the hashmap if the element exists
prevIndex, elementExists := h[element]
// Check if the element have two occurrences(nums[i] == nums[j])
// and if the index difference (index - prevIndex) is <= k
if elementExists && index - prevIndex <= k {
return true
// If the elemnt doesn't exist we add it to the hashmap
h[element] = index
return false
bool ContainsNearbyDuplicate(int[] nums, int k) {
Dictionary < int, int > dic = new Dictionary < int, int > ();
var end = 0;
while (end < nums.Length) {
int element = nums[end];
if (dic.TryGetValue(element, out int value) && Math.Abs(end - value) <= k) {
return true;
dic[element] = end;
return false;
The idea is the same for both codes above.
Here is a simple sketch describing the logic I used for solving this problem (with go, but the idea is the same with C#)